Is There Any Treatment For Dental Anxiety

If fear is keeping you away from the dentist and a healthy smile, schedule an appointment with our dental specialists? Our dentists have been addressing dental fear and anxiety for a long time, and they can help you relax whether you need a single filling or a full-mouth restoration implant machine.

According to the American Dental Association, dental fear affects millions of people all across the United States. In fact, recent estimates suggest that about seventy-five percent of adults in the US have some sort of dental fear ranging from mild to extreme.

Dental phobia affects about ten percent of American adults and can be so severe that people will avoid necessary dental care unless there is an extreme dental emergency. People with dental phobias experience what your dentist calls a “Cycle of Avoidance water picker.” In other words, dental care is avoided because of extreme fear, and when a dental appointment is absolutely necessary it requires invasive treatments reinforcing dental fear.

If you get nervous just thinking about a visit to your dentist, our dentists can help with their advanced and sophisticated treatments and procedures that will help you get over your fear of the dentist.

Our dentists know that there are ways that you can ease your dental fears and advise that you share your dental anxiety. If you feel anxious or tense, tell the dentist and the staff who can help adapt your treatment to your specific needs.

When you schedule your dental appointment, the dentists recommend that you choose a time when you can relax dental scaling machine. Making appointments on a day with a hectic schedule will only make your anxiety worse. In addition, avoiding caffeine before your appointment will help to minimize that jittery, nervous feeling.

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