Man smoking electronic cigaretteThe market in the UK

While many electronic cigarettes contain nicotine they also contain a range of other ingredients which are heated by an element and inhaled as a vapour. There is significant variation between products, however. Research has found high levels of variability in the content of nicotine and different products contain different toxins in different concentrations. All this makes absolute assurances of safety difficult, although it is clear that electronic cigarettes are many magnitudes safer than smoking.

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The current evidence in the UK indicates that use by people who have never smoked is rare. The overwhelming majority of people using electronic cigarettes are those who currently smoke or used to smoke. This is true of both adults and children. People say they ‘vape’ either to cut down or quit tobacco and there is growing evidence that products are effective in helping people achieve these goals.

Man smoking electronic cigaretteThe market in the UK is continuing to evolve and will change further as new regulations come into force. From October this year it will be an offence to sell an electronic cigarette to a child portable dental unit. In 2016 a new directive from the EU will come into force which will, among other things, place restrictions on advertising, place a requirement on manufacturers to notify the ingredients in their products and require health warnings regarding the addictiveness of nicotine.

It is also expected that more products will opt in to medicinal regulation and be licenced by the MHRA. These products could be available on prescription, will be able to advertise in the same way as other over the counter medications, and will be able to make health claims dental lab supplies australia.

ASH continues to be optimistic about the potential for electronic cigarettes to support more smokers to become smokefree but we believe it is vital that the market is appropriately regulated to ensure products are as safe as possible and not marketed to non-smokers.

The message for now is that there are no circumstances in which it is safer to smoke than to use an electronic cigarette. Given the dreadful burden of disease caused by smoking we must find a way to make the most of the opportunities and ensure that risks are minimised dental air compressor.

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