How can you help your child minimize his or her risk of cavities and tooth decay

Visit the dentist for checkups and cleanings every 6 months
Don’t have too many sugar-filled or acidic snacks or drinks
Set a good example for your kids by maintaining good brushing and flossing habits yourself
Make sure your kids are brushing and flossing properly– your dentist can give lessons and tips to the whole family

How can I tell if my child might have a cavity dental curing light?

Regular dental checkups are the absolute best way to catch cavities early. The earlier a cavity is found, the easier it is to repair. Cavities are usually painless until they are very large, so just make sure your child is having regular dental visits to catch problems while they are small.

How often should my child brush his or her teeth?

Many parents wonder about the day-to-day care of their child’s teeth.

I recommend brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day once a child gets their first tooth. For children who aren’t old enough spit out toothpaste, a grain-of-rice sized amount of toothpaste is all that’s needed. Once a child is old enough to spit, a pea-sized amount is OK.

Flossing is not necessary until kids get a little older. However, it’s never a bad thing to start getting them used to flossing at a young age!

A fluoride-containing mouth rinse for kids who can spit and who have had a cavity in the past is also a good idea.

Will my child be afraid of the dentist? What can I do to help?

It is pretty normal for younger children to be fearful during their first dental visit. However, I find that once a child visits the dentist a few times and has good experiences, they become more relaxed. A dentist who makes your child feel comfortable and who is sensitive to the needs of young patients will go a long way towards helping your child feel at ease during dental visits.

As a parent, preparing your child for dental visits using positive language is so important. Children are looking to adults for guidance on what to expect at the dentist, so talking about dental visits positively and with reassuring words will help minimize anxiety. Try to avoid scary words like “shot” and “pain portable dental unit.” I know a lot of adults and parents do not love going to the dentist themselves, but many children will never have a bad experience at the dentist, so I encourage parents to project a positive attitude about the dentist so children do not have negative expectations.

It’s just a baby tooth– does the cavity really need to be fixed?

Yes, it does! Untreated cavities in baby teeth can be dangerous. Not only are they potentially painful, but they can actually cause serious health problems tooth scaler australia.

An untreated cavity will get larger over time, and can cause life-threatening infection. Dental abscesses can happen in children as well as adults, and can lead to an emergency situation. Infection in a tooth can spread to soft tissues in the face, head, and neck, leading to swelling, pain, and even death.

Taking care of cavities while they are small is also much less expensive – once cavities get larger, more treatment can be necessary.

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