A Smarter Diet

We, as dentists, know that certain foods are better for your teeth. Cheese, chicken, meat, nuts, and milk are thought to protect enamel by providing the calcium and phosphorus that’s needed to remineralize teeth. Other healthy choices would include crunchy fruits and vegetables. These foods stimulate saliva flow to act as a buffer for acid.…

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Use Digital Marketing to Build Your Practice in 2017

New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be limited to your personal goals for 2017. The new year is also a perfect time for you to evaluate the achievements and setbacks of your business (that’s right, your practice is a business) and determine what changes you want to make to keep things headed in the right…

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Use Social Media to Elevate Your Dental Patient Base

If you have been playing hide and seek with your social media marketing, like most dental practices, then you need to shift gears quickly. Social media is no longer just a popular entertainment digital platform. Social sites are increasingly becoming the “go-to place” for patients to find new dentists. So if you want to give…

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Team USA Athlete Hosts Smile Drive for Local Kids

This February, dentistrytoday.com celebrates National Children’s Dental Health Month with news stories, interviews, and blogs all about safeguarding pediatric oral health. #NCDHM Samantha Dreyer, sophomore at William Fremd High School in Palatine, Ill, is a competitive figure skater and Team USA athlete. When not busy traveling for competitions or participating in service projects through her…

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Gender and Residence May Play a Greater Role in Oral Health Than Diet

Many anthropologists believe that as humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to farming thousands of years ago, they began suffering from tooth decay and gum disease, prompting some scientists to say that we’d have better oral health with a diet based on wild foods instead of staples like corn and potatoes. Yet today’s Hadza tribe…

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The next 4 months were at home recovery

Nurses visited every 3 days to change my dressings and make sure I was progressing. It was hard. I couldn’t jump back into things, but I desperately wanted to. Mentally I had a hard time with the fact that despite being home, I was still unable to care for my children or myself. But I…

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Awareness Is the Key to Fighting Oral Cancer

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and dentistrytoday.com will be celebrating the event with blogs, news stories, and other features all spotlighting the disease. #OralCancerAwareness The statistics from the Oral Cancer Foundation and the American Cancer Society are chilling: 49,750: The number of people who will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year in the…

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Acupuncture Explored as an Alternative Dental Treatment

Patients see plenty of needles when they’re at the dentist’s office. But they may be seeing more, as some dentists explore the use of acupuncture in their work to address dry mouth, dental anxiety, gag reflexes, and even orofacial and postoperative pain. The treatment has evolved throughout the millennia from ancient mysticism to a more…

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Dr. Howard S. Glazer to Tackle New Tools in Québec

Dental professionals from around the world soon will be arriving at the Palais des Congrés de Montréal for the 47th Journées Dentaires Internationales du Québec, scheduled for Friday, May 26 to Tuesday, May 30. Presented by the Ordre des Dentistes du Québec, the 3-day conference will provide seminars and hands-on courses led by top dental…

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Vital Signs Should Be Monitored During Dental Procedures

It seems like dentists already have lots to do during typical procedures. Yet the University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine also requires its pre-doctoral students to assess the vital signs of all of their patients at every clinic appointment, including blood pressure, pulse rate, and pulse rhythm. These students are required to assess the…

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